You can decide wether that is a good or bad thought, but for me It's a pretty damn good peice that's falling into my life. I've made it to the "big" 17 now as of February 17th. I spent it wonderfully with my future husband, his mother, and our precious daughter Camilla. Camilla is now 2 months old as of the 15th She's becoming such a wonderful little girl I can already tell. She smiles a lot, cooe's a lot. Her smile brightens up the room even when your feeling at your worst. How can a baby, something so small do this, well you'd only understand if you were a parent, or are very close to a infant. There are certain miracles in life, where I look around and thank god for the certain things I have. I'm currently in Georgia, My daughter does deserve to meet her family you know. I don't know how long I'll be staying here. But I like it here, My relationship with regi is getting better, way better. I feel like our relationship is rock solid, and we haven't been lieing to each other or hiding things, or fighting at all. How great! I miss my family a lot, I miss my mom waking me up in the mornings with a big hug, I miss watching t.v shows with grammy. I wish doing puzzles with my little brother dominick, I miss going to the book store with my grandpa, and telling him what he should cook, and how much I love his food. haha, those small things in life will always make me smile.
I miss you, Mom, Dominick, Grammy Grandpa, bobby, Lucas. You are always in my heart even when I'm far apart from you guy's. If you'd like to know what I'd done for my birthday. Here is my answer, had a nice steak and burger that Regi grilled, It was so delicious! Had some wine, Strawberry wine for me. YUM!
Things you'd probably like to know about Camilla besides me talking about myself is, she sleeps through most of the night, she's starting to notice her surroundings more! I don't have much to say. But thank you for everyones support, and making my life better. The negative is out, and the good is IN!
"When you are a mother, You are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice
once for herself and once for her child."