As A fine Frenzy once said. We must say goodbye to the ones we are closest to, to make our hearts grow stronger. Things happen for a reason, good and bad. Life if it was easy, things would always be handed to us, we would not feel pain, that is a perfect world. Some people get happiness by buying things, going out, dancing, singing. But what if those things, do not help? What do you do when your on the other end and you are not ready for that goodbye you once dreaded? Do you regret, or do you keep those memories or let them wash away into your thoughts. You mourn as if you have lost someone dear to your heart as if they have died, you hold your child in high hopes that maybe this is a dream? Well this dream land has turned to reality, your final goodbye's turn into tears that wont stop. A year, A long year, wishing you had seen this coming, but it has hit you in the face bluntly and fast. Your stomach turns when you think of the idea "Me without my lover I will be incomplete, What will I do " A new chapter, you must force upon yourself, are you even ready for this? You take day by day and try to let your heart heal, but it continues to get harder each and every day without them. You gave them your everything, you hoped that was good enough, you even prayed. You got no answer back, so your faith has went downhill. When you look into your daughter's eyes, you see the reflection of that lost lover's face, you see them everywhere. You lay in the bed you once shared so many special moments in, where you touched their arm when they were asleep, now you are grasping an invisible body that you wished was next to you to tell you "Everything is okay." Those pictures that once hung on your wall that you finally took down with sobbing tears there is an imprint of where they once layed. You don't dare to walk into the store that you both once enjoyed so much. Constantly thinking, "Do they miss me as I miss them?" My love for you was so strong, So real, The tears I cried for you were from my heart being crushed. My heart is at the bottom of my feet, every time you look at their picture your heart still skips a beat.
I loved you Bobby Reginald Johngan.
"It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does". -Author Unknown.