25 weeks and 3 days along!
I am pretty excited that I'm getting closer into my Third Trimester, and closer to approaching my due date. Even though I am planning a scheduled c section. If you guys don't remember, I had a c section with Camilla. So, the best way to go is to have another c section, I'd like for a VBAC but I'd only do that if I went into labor on my own before the c section date. We are still unsure when that will be though! Aliyah likes moving around in my belly, she's mostly active during the late nights. But lately she sure has been moving all day and night, I think she is running out of room, I'd imagine she is! Some days I look like I am carrying higher/bigger some days I look a little lower and smaller. I think it's from all the moving she does!
How I am currently feeling:
I have been experiencing some headaches lately, but I've had them for quite some time now. I went to a neurologist visit to see about my headaches and he prescribed me some medications so I can at least be functional while I take care of Camilla. My Hyperemesis has calmed down, I still get really bad nausea though sometimes. One of my main cravings has to be Peanut Butter. I love eating it plain! I've been experiencing some back pain, which is normal around this time of pregnancy. I've gained less than 10 pounds so far in this pregnancy. I've either gained 3 or 6 pounds, my OB is honestly confusing me when it comes to my weight. But I know for a fact it hasn't gone over too much or even over 10 pounds. I had another ultrasound at 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant! It's another video as well! I'll post it at the bottom after I am done with this blog! Hopefully my next appointment I will be getting my 3D ultrasound, I will def. Be posting a video of that and pictures I can't wait to see if she has any of my features this time since Camilla only got my lips! I hope just like I hoped with Camilla, Aliyah has my eyes. Camilla's eyes aren't mine though she turned out to have her daddy's except when she was born she had blue/grey eyes! -I got my Glucose test done today 3/5/2012 I'm pretty sure the results should be fine, they probably won't call and tell me if it's okay. The only thing I'd be worried about is if they called that's what they normally do if something comes back irregular!
Update on Camilla:
Camilla's bedtime is normally at 10:00 p.m, she will be 15 months on the 15th! Can't believe how much time flies by, I know to cherish every moment I have next to her, from her smiles in the morning to her going to bed at night! She's already apparently hit her "Terrible Two's" early, which consists of her screaming, not listening to the word "No" anymore, and going through a touchy phase. If she knew the word "Mine" I am pretty sure she would be using it by now with how she's been acting! She's got so many teeth, I will have to count later how many she has, She's getting her molars in and the poor baby girl has just been crying. Oragel has been my lifesaver lately! I'm not sure if I talked about it in my last blog, Camilla is completely off the bottle I couldn't of done it without Regi. So yes, most of the help was from Regi this time teaching Camilla it's okay to be without a bottle! It's so much easier owning Sippy Cups anyways!
That's my update for now: Here's a link to my ultrasound, Enjoy!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Huge Update Time!

Update on Camilla:

Baby 2:

Bare with the long link sorry guys! Well there's my current update on how my pregnancy is going so far, and on Camilla.
What's New?:
Me and Regi are obviously happy still! Can't believe we are going to be parents to another beautiful little girl! He's the greatest daddy a little girl could ask for and a great Fiancee as well. We've been engaged for quite a while now and if you are going to do the question of "When are you guys getting married?" We plan on getting married sometime this year if not next year! We aren't the type of people to rush into marriage just because we have children together. Our relationship seems to be getting stronger every day, He's now 20 years old. Like I've said a billion times such an old man! Speaking of Birthdays mine just passed I am finally 18. Literally just turned 18 yesterday my birthday is February 17th! Me and Regi celebrated by going to the Olive Garden and getting delicious soup salad, bread sticks, Pasta and a Desert! Then, we went to see the movie called "This means War" It was a pretty funny movie we enjoyed it! It's my ideal way of celebrating my birthday I had cuddles and watched movies with Camilla during the day until later came along during the night and that's when we went out for our romantic dinner/movie date. Romantic as it gets though because the Olive Garden was packed! Just had to share how happy I am with life right now, I do miss my family though in Washington. It feels like it's been forever since I've gotten a hug from my mom, but she will be here for this baby's birth and I can't wait for that time! Hope you enjoyed reading a little bit of what's been going on in my life.
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