Are your eyes seeing right? Yes they are, Me and Regi took a pregnancy test and it came out positive! Baby number 2 is on it's way, I am due June 15th 2012. Last year has been so eventful, and this year is becoming eventful as well that's why I have yet to update! We've been to tons of OB Appointments, Camilla is a year old now, and a running, talking, playing machine. Of course you can expect a picture over-load on this blog! So be prepared, my initial reaction to finding out I was pregnant again was "Wow, so quick!" Not to mention the thought of having a running toddler while I have a huge belly! But me and Regi couldn't be happier!
Update on Camilla:

Camilla had her first birthday already 12/15/2011 can't believe how fast time flew with her she says so many words I can't even count them all she says Phrases like "I did it" And stuff like that. Her favorite all time shows right now are Blues Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba. She even tries saying Yo Gabba Gabba! I haven't updated how her first Halloween went but she had a blast we dressed her in a Minnie Mouse costume that Grammy bought her and she was so adorable ( I'd add a picture but there are others I want to add instead ) Camilla started walking at about 11 months old and I knew the trouble would start there a
VERY CUTE trouble that is now she runs around climbs things. She's practically a Monkey with how she climbs. She loves dancing. Her currently favorite foods are Toast, Toddler Graduate Baby Gerber Items (There are so many out there that she likes I couldn't name them all) Still an all time favorite of Cheeto puffs she always knows when you are carrying a bag! But watch out if you give the child sugar she goes wild not a bad wild I mean running back and fourth until she passes out while making hard heavy breathing noises. I think she might of took after me with the ADHD. Since she is a year old we are currently trying to wean her off the bottle and it's going pretty good she's actually taking it pretty well. Better than I expected since I've heard some children scream without their bottles! If you are to ever ask me "Is Camilla a Daddy's Girl, or a Mommy's Girl?" I'd have to answer honestly and say Daddy's girl, sometimes she's a Mommies girl though only when she wants something though! She gives kisses and blows kisses when you ask for them, "Can I have a kiss?" She goes "Muah!". She's now 14 months and is still taking naps only about 2-3 hour naps at a time though and her bedtime is at 10:00 p.m and she wakes up normally at about 8:30 a.m or 9:30 a.m it all depends if she's in the mood to sleep! That's pretty much an update on Camilla and how she's been doing and all that I can think of right now. If there is more, I will update this blog defiantly since I have it up and running again!
Baby 2:

That picture is a difference picture the first picture is of when I was pregnant with Camilla around 25 weeks, second picture is of this beautiful baby at 21 weeks. Want to take a guess on the babies gender if you don't know it yet? It's another beautiful baby Girl! She sure has given me a completely different pregnancy from when I was pregnant with Camilla, I get sick a lot more often still do and I am 23 weeks and 1 day pregnant right now! I took about 2 trips to the hospital in my First Trimester thanks to being Dehydrated and had IV Fluids which totally sucked they diagnosed me soon after with
Hyperemesis gravidarum in case you don't know what that means or what it's even about it's basically a way of saying I have morning sickness maybe through my whole pregnancy and I can get extremely dehydrated and sick! Want to read more on it? Read it up on here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperemesis_gravidarum

I've had plenty of Ultrasounds and my Medical will cover a 3D/4D ultrasound when I am 28/30 weeks pregnant so be on the look out for those pictures in like 5-7 weeks whenever I pick to have it done! My birth plan is another c section, but I have been looking up VBACS in case you don't know what that means it's a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. I'm interested in it but I'm worried about what they call a Uterine rupture it's very rare but what if I'm that 1 in a billion? I honestly thought this baby was going to be a boy, a lot of people did but she fooled just about everyone! We are 100% sure this is another baby girl! Regi loves the name Aliyah but I am still iffy on the name so it's not a 100% name yet at least not for me! I'm still looking around at the other options. I'm a very picky person when it comes to baby names! I've defiantly gotten bigger this time around with pregnancy, you can see this little girl move on the outside of my belly and she hates it when I set my Harry Potter book on my belly. (Yes that is what I am currently reading), she tries to kick almost everything off I keep on my belly! The symptoms I'm having this time around with pregnancy are pretty much the same I have horrible heartburn I swear I pop tums like it's candy!, (Okay not really, but seriously a bunch of heartburn). I've got some headaches that come and go, my cravings are insane. I crave Hot Wings constantly, Cheese sticks are my newest craving. But I bet you in about a month or so I will have a new craving, but hot wings have been there since day 1. We had a ultrasound to confirm the gender and I videotaped it and uploaded it to youtube for all my family and friends to see!
Bare with the long link sorry guys! Well there's my current update on how my pregnancy is going so far, and on Camilla.
What's New?:
Me and Regi are obviously happy still! Can't believe we are going to be parents to another beautiful little girl! He's the greatest daddy a little girl could ask for and a great Fiancee as well. We've been engaged for quite a while now and if you are going to do the question of "When are you guys getting married?" We plan on getting married sometime this year if not next year! We aren't the type of people to rush into marriage just because we have children together. Our relationship seems to be getting stronger every day, He's now 20 years old. Like I've said a billion times
such an old man! Speaking of Birthdays mine just passed I am finally 18. Literally just turned 18 yesterday my birthday is February 17th! Me and Regi celebrated by going to the Olive Garden and getting delicious soup salad, bread sticks, Pasta and a Desert! Then, we went to see the movie called "This means War" It was a pretty funny movie we enjoyed it! It's my ideal way of celebrating my birthday I had cuddles and watched movies with Camilla during the day until later came along during the night and that's when we went out for our romantic dinner/movie date. Romantic as it gets though because the Olive Garden was packed! Just had to share how happy I am with life right now, I do miss my family though in Washington. It feels like it's been forever since I've gotten a hug from my mom, but she will be here for this baby's birth and I can't wait for that time! Hope you enjoyed reading a little bit of what's been going on in my life.