Thursday, September 16, 2010

26 weeks, 6 and 1/2 months.

Last week we got to listen to our precious baby girls heartbeat, Which is greatly healthy. She kicked the doctor when he was trying to listen to her heartbeat.

Okay, So now I thought about it, The hard question of what am I craving, I do believe it is cheese, and chocolate. I love cheese, I just can't stop eating it for some reason, Every time we have pizza it HAS TO HAVE extra cheese! Not something I normally ask for on a pizza, normally it's more pepperoni please. (haha)
We'll In the last week or so, Camilla has found a game to play with mommy already. She'll kick me, until I put a good not to hard pressure on my belly to feel around for her, and when I find her she kicks and moves away, once I stop playing this "game" She will kick the crap out of me until I play with her some more.
Restless nights, I've been having From her now, My thighs have been hurting and so have my hips, due to expansion. I've come to realize that I love my belly bump and all but it's causing some great deal pain on my back. Some people think I look like I am already due. Which is crazy, Since I'm only 26 weeks!
The crib is here, Which makes me really happy one step closer for Camilla to be here in the arms of mine and her daddy's.
I'll do some more blogging later

Thursday, September 2, 2010

24 weeks, 5 months.

Fresh into the new world. Is kind of how I'm opening my eyes to. Thinking of how everything is new for a baby and everything amazes them when they see something for the first time. I still wish my life was like that, Thinking back My favorite moment when I babysat my little brother was when he started crawling, his smile was so cute. And not to forget so warming. But to think I'm going to have a baby, That will soon learn to Smile, laugh, cry, crawl, and walk. Is just pure amazement. That me and my boyfriend made this baby something that is new to the world and came from my belly! Have you ever pictured yourself with a child, If I could answer that honestly, I'd say Sure, in the future. But not this early. The only thing I was use to calling my baby was my dogs Haha, But now baby has a totally new meaning. Camilla Renee, I hope you get my eye color and your daddy's skin tone. That would be pure amazement too. But i'll love you just the way you are
when you come out of mommy's tummy. School is right around the corner, and soon the baby shower is as well. October 23,2010 Close to mommy's favorite holiday Halloween! And besides Halloween very close to when Me and Regi first met. This year, Has gone by so fast I feel like everything has changed so quickly. I went from meeting Regi- Spending Halloween with Regi- Spending time with Regi on his birthday- And even so thanksgiving and Christmas And sometime through that whole moment of that a few odd months later, soon after mommy's birthday.  I figured out i was pregnant. Did I forget to mention, Regi is buying the crib Tomorrow (Friday) And more things. I can't wait for the crib, because that's when things really sink in! I can't wait to get a crib to picture the size of how small she will be! A mother, Sort of hard to imagine At first being pregnant and finally figuring it out, I was like "ME A MOTHER!?!"
But now.. . It's simple to say, I wonder how much lack of sleep I'll get when she's here, Or how much she'll eat, If she's gets a cold will I know what to do? Thousands of questions will always run through my mind even though the thought of pregnancy has finally settled in. But I heard that's normal for most new moms especially at such a young age.
Hope you stay tuned with my blogging.

"A Daughter Is... ...your greatest source of pride and your greatest hope for the future... The happiest moment of your life was the day she was introduced to the world."
-- Bettie Meschler