Thursday, August 12, 2010

21 Weeks, 5 months

It's amazing to notice how time flies by so fast during a pregnancy.
Feeling her small little kicks is just the start to this long journey.
I know I'll have this baby for a lifetime.  That makes me smile.
She won't always be a baby though. But, she'll always be my little girl.
It's a note from me to her, to tell her I will always love her just the way she is.
Whatever she decides on doing during her life, I'll always be there for her.
Mommy and daddy weren't expecting you at this very moment Camilla.
I'm not going to lie, it's a little early to meet you, even when you're still inside my belly
like this. But, god has given me a reason to be good, to do things different with my life
and to have the privilege to have you in my life.  You're going to be mommy and daddy's little girl.
Our little baby girl. I plan on raising you right and to let you know how to have manner's.
I will help you pick the right path instead of the ones mommy and daddy once took.
You've changed our way of thinking, Camilla Renee Johngan.
And we have you to thank when you're out of me.

Well this was just a special note for my daughter.  One day when she's old enough to read.  I can't believe I'm 21 weeks pregnant.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I found out I was pregnant!
Well for some of you who don't know the story yet, it goes like this:

When I figured out I was pregnant, it took me a while to accept that it was true.  I took 7 Clearblue pregnancy tests, (do you realize how much money those friggin things cost!). Regi, my fiancĂ©e almost had a heart attack on the floor.  We are so young.  It was kind of like a being hit in the face with a block of wood without seeing it coming. And, when I say heart attack, I don't mean it literally. We went to the doctors office, and they said I was defiantly pregnant, from the pee sample.  I started getting flutters in my stomach, still in denial, without an ultrasound or hearing the heartbeat.  We had to wait 1-2 long weeks before we could get a doctor appointment. I was for sure thinking this is it i am really pregnant. The doctor showed me the baby. My mother was in the room at that time and she was crying, which made me nervous, and Regi was about to cry as well.
We heard the heartbeat and that's when it sunk in. Everything seemed to go by so slow back then. I couldn't believe I was pregnant and this was going to happen.  Abortion never crossed my mind.

If I am going to have a baby at least I'm having it with the one I love.

Camilla, When I first felt you kick it was amazing. You kicked my moms head, that was pretty funny, and you kicked my grandmothers hand. And Regi's hand and head too. You kick me when I'm laying down and about to go to bed. By the way, you give me horrible pains, but it does not bother me one bit, it's all worth it.

For now, this is my first blog. I'm a bit truthful, if you can't tell. So enjoy.

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