Thursday, November 18, 2010

35 weeks pregnant.

In that picture, I was 33 weeks pregnant as you can read. But today I am 35 weeks pregnant! 
5 more weeks to go if not less!

I can't wait to have my baby girl, I want her in my arms, I want her in Daddy's arms as well. I want her to look into the beautiful world with whatever colored eyes she has. Regi has started his own blog, It's posted above You can click it and read it as well. He's going to do a weekly blog to update everyone on how our baby girl is doing, and just our lives. Me and Regi have been waiting patiently for Camilla, It seems that each week that passes now is getting slower and slower. An update for everyone on my last prenatal appointment. Camilla is 5 to 5 1/2 pounds the doctor said as an estimate.  Camilla's heartbeat is also healthy which I'm glad.I'm not Dilated at all, Which is great. Apparently great There's a spot in my heart where I wish I was at least a little bit Dilated because I'd know she'd be coming soon. Now I pounder the thought. When will she be here?

I've got to cut things short on this blog. Sorry That everything has ended up being underlined Only because For some reason this blog, wont get off underline. Hope everyone is doing just as well as me and Regi are!

We love you baby Camilla, Can't wait to meet you, 5 weeks if not sooner! Your our sunshine. I think I found a great nickname for you. Pumpkin or Hunny bear. I'll decide once I see you I guess. 

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