Thursday, December 2, 2010

37 weeks, 9 months.

Here's what has happened at my prenatal appointment, and what has been going on in the last few days.

-The Doctor checked If I was Dilated, I'm Dilated to 1 so far as we know. Which is great, could mean she will come soon.

-Baby is fully dropped from what the doctor has said, He said I should feel like I'm carrying a Bowling Ball inbetween my legs, Which I totally feel like I am.

-I'm starting my weekly Prenatal appointments my next appointment is on Friday.

-Late this morning, Last night. Around 12:00 I lost some of my mucus plug. Which means she'll be here even closer than we thought, my Due date is December 23,2010 for those of you who don't remember.

-Had some Contractions after loosing a bit of my mucus plug, and before I lost a bit of it.

The things to look forward to these days to come.

-Regi is getting his haircut Friday. Finally, Tired of him having an Afro ha ha.
-Regi is going Christmas shopping, Makes me want to find out what he's getting me!
-Going to birthing classes this weekend, knowing me I'll be super tired though because they're early in the morning and they go all day!

How I am Currently Feeling.

-In so much pain I can barely stand it, it really sucks.
-I feel anxious, and nervous. Because it's getting closer and closer to my due date and there are signs that labor should be coming early.
-I feel tired also, it's not easy holding up a small baby in your belly!

This is just an update for everyone, for what I'm looking forward to and Just to update everyone.

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