Monday, April 4, 2011

Shots,Shots & More Shots.

Camilla has finally got her two month shots, I know it's a little late, but hey It happened and we got it done! She's a great 12 pounds. I thought she would of been a little bigger by now. She's 23 1/2 inches long! I have a feeling she will be tall later in the future. It broke my heart when she cried, Yes she cried.. It was a heartbreaking cry too.. She got 3 shots, 2 in one thigh, 1 in the other. She cannot eat Rice Cereal yet, Or juices yet the doctor said. She's too small she doesn't have the required weight to start up on Rice Cereal, or something..

Camilla has started showing interests in the following shows
-Spongebob Squarepants (What kid does not like that show!?)
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-Family Guy (That would be my fault)
-Baby Channel Nighttime Shows.

-I will update more later.

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