Thursday, October 7, 2010

29 weeks, 7 months.

I haven't updated my blog for a while now because things have been so busy.
I'll tell you the upside of things that have happened recently to let you know an update on my current life waiting for Camilla Renee to be born.
-Had a Prenatal appointment on October 5th, 2010. The heartbeat is healthy, we even got a mini ultrasound. Too bad she wasn't facing the right way so we could of seen her face. But that's okay, In time we will see her face in real life.
-Had a WIC appointment on the 6th, It went pretty smooth we met up with one of the WIC ladies.
She gave me and Regi some fun couple stuff to do, and I got my WIC checks which is great. I'm dieing for Skippy Peanut Butter.
-Had an appointment with my WIC nurse, Who taught me the upsides of breast feeding, and the downsides. Also the upsides of formula feeding, and the downsides too it as well. She also showed us the fetal development, She showed Regi and I a model of how much the baby weighs at 30 weeks, that we actually got to hold. She called them gummy babies, they were so weird looking. But she brought out the other models to show us how much bigger our baby has gotten since it was 5 weeks!
-We bought the Travel System finally. For those of you who don't know what a travel system is it is a Carseat, Stroller combo. It is so cute it has apples on it, Very girly, But girly is good! Can't wait for her to be inside of it once I give birth to her.
-Got Braxton Hicks for the first time today. Man They are painful, But it's all worth it in the end. Most people would worry about it being so early for me getting Braxton Hicks, but it runs in my family to get them early on in the pregnancy.

The things I miss Now since I am 29 weeks pregnant.
-My feet. I can't tie my shoes or put my shoes on very well without getting out of breath.
-Going on dates with Regi, I miss those really bad. We haven't been on much dates recently because of all the baby preparing. But I guess the newest dates you could call us having are driving to the store to go grocery shopping, and shopping for the baby.
-The normal walk, I have that pregnancy waddle now. I feel ridiculous walking around with a waddle. Makes me feel fat.
-Normal not leaking boobs! Colostrum has finally set into my boobs, and let me tell you it's not fun. My boobs itch now and also I can't even think about sleeping without a bra off in the night. It really sucks!

A note to Camilla Renee 

Camilla your little precious kicks are getting harder, I know I've said this plenty of times in my blog But your a strong little girl for something so small. You can kick daddy in the head when he tries to feel you kick, and he tries to listen to you. You can kick remotes off of me now. I feel like your an alien inside of me but don't worry your mommy and daddy's little alien. People always ask me Camilla, What are you going to be a daddy's girl or a mommy's girl. I can't answer that really because it's your choice, to my hopes you'll enjoy me and daddy equally.  Sometimes I wish you could stop kicking me at night, I love your kicks don't get me wrong But I love sleep too! We have everything ready for you, Tons of clothes, Receiving blankets, Some blankets, And even a blanket your Great Grammy made for you! It's so beautiful I hope you'll love it just as much as I do. It's purple because I don't want everything to be too pink for you. We have your crib set up, the bumper and everything, stuffed animals, A swing set, bottles, Diapers. And much more. Your very loved and Everyone cannot wait to meet you.

Your Mommy.

-P.S for the readers, I will be posting a picture for this blog when I update it on my other computer.
( :

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